Along with expanding Indonesia state it walk unidirectional also by expanding science. Hence our state is state which needing energy which have its area competence to develop, build state, therefore education represent especial priority which have important role to growth and progress of nation. In general society of opinion that by entering college, a student expected can prepare x'self to welcome its life in period to come more than anything else in globalization era like this time. Higher education also represent an dynamic strength related to emotional intellegence very having an effect on to entire human life aspect. Target to test empirically and prove do emotional intellegence consisting of recognition of x'self, selfcontrol, motivation, empathy, and skill of social have an effect on to storey, level of understanding accountancy.
This research obyek is student of UPN Surabaya. Sampel the used is student of UPN Surabaya Accountancy semester majors 6 up to 8 with rule have gone through eye of kuliah fundamental of akutansi with amount 211 Student. ( TU Faculty Of Economics). Data collecting in this research through and interview of kuesioner. Analysis model used to test hypothesis the raised is doubled linear regresi and also to know its influence is used by test of F and test t.
From result of conducted examination to influence of influence of emotional intellegence of accountancy student to storey, level of is understanding of accountancy at UPN VETERAN of JATIM obtained by result of that value of Fhitung equal to 4,021 with level of signifikan equal to 0,002. Because level of signifikansi which smaller than 0,05, hence model of regresi which is yielded in this compatible research used in to test raised hypothesis. While by parsial influence of variable recognition of x'self to storey, level of is understanding of accountancy manifestly do not have an effect on. This matter can be seen from value of thitung the obtained is - 0,834 with level of signifikan equal to 0,405 where the obtained value bigger than 0,05.
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